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Next meeting: March 13, 2025 @ 7pm
Meeting Location: Allen Parks & Recreation

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So you want to fly Radio Control?
Detailed information
Here is how you can join the Richardson Radio Control Club and learn to fly. There are just few simple steps needed to get you into the “pilot’s seat.”
First, go to This is the RRCC parent organization, the Academy of Model Aeronautics. Click on Join/Renew and follow the instructions. The annual cost is just $100 for the adult membership and $65.00 for seniors (65 and older). Youth membership for those under 19 is $15. AMA membership is a prerequisite for membership in RRCC. AMA provides many benefits including a $2,500,000 liability insurance policy. If you join online, you can print off a temporary membership card which allows you to start flying now!
A few short weeks after mailing your application, you will receive a membership card from the AMA. Your AMA card will have your AMA number, which you will need for the RRCC application. Next, click on "NEW MEMBERS button on this page" and follow the directions. The cost is $100 for initiation and the annual dues of $100 for adult membership. Senior and youth membership are $65 and $15, respectively. After completing the application form, you can email it to or mail it along with your check to the address shown.
To visit our flying field, you can find the map by clicking here. Our address is 6540 FM 546, Princeton, TX, 75407. This is on the East side of Lake Lavon. Come out any day that the wind is less than 10 to 15 mph to visit and talk with some of the members. Our facility is a showplace for model airplane flying and home to a friendly group of avid flyers of all ages.
Come to one of our meetings. Directions can be found on the main page of our website. With your membership application completed, we will talk with you about your need for instruction. An instructor will be assigned to you to teach you how to fly. This person will help you pick out a trainer plane. Do not go out by yourself and purchase a plane. While it generally takes just a few sessions for a new pilot to learn how to fly, it can be very frustrating (and dangerous) if you crash a plane during your first few flights. This is a very important decision. An instructor will have a transmitter connected to yours while you are learning, and will correct any mistake you might make. He will also give you really important tips. There is no charge for you to learn to fly. Your instructor will also help you estimate the cost of getting started including the plane, batteries, fuel, and all needed accessories.
Finally, our club views safety as our number one goal. Your instructor will direct you in this area. We have a safety director that oversees our flying and every member accepts the responsibility of helping others to have a safe day flying. Our number two goal is to have fun flying.